Insectobot Designing

Note: This page is only used by GMs.

Designing an insectobot is like designing a psi morph with the following exceptions.

- Insectobots often start out above level 1. After all, once the players have reached a high level of experience, level 1 insectobots will no longer be any challenge for them.
- Insectobots do not get Inner Strength Points (ISPs.) - Soldier-class insectobots get only 1/4 to 1/2 as much hp as psi morphs. They also get fewer sciences and disciplines (the GM should determine each insectobot's hp, number of sciences, and number of disciplines in such a manner that the mission will be neither too easy nor too difficult. This takes thought and practice.)
- Semiboss-class insectobots have the following disciplines available to them in addition to the disciplines available to psi morphs.

1.5X HP - The insectobot's hp is multiplied by 1.5.
2X HP - The insectobot's hp is doubled.
Lightning Quickness - Psi morphs who face this insectobot in battle do not get to act during the first round of the battle, with the exception of psi morphs who have the Lightning Reflexes discipline.
Nanosolvent - Whenever this insectobot deals damage to a psi morph, that psi morph's max hp drops by 2 for the rest of the day.

- Boss-class insectobots have the following disciplines available to them in addition to the disciplines available to psi morphs.

2.5X HP - The insectobot's hp is multiplied by 2.5.
3X HP - The insectobot's hp is tripled.
Improved Nanosolvent - Whenever this insectobot deals damage to a psi morph, that psi morph's max hp drops by 4 for the rest of the day.

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